

Before the exhibitions

Eight Impressionism exhibitions
1874 - 1886

After the exhibitions

Eight Impressionism exhibitions

Beispiele 1

Paris: 1874 -1886

Beispiele 2

Impressionism: the new character of painting in expression, the act of painting and design

"Impressionism, which contributed decisively to the liberation of art from the tyranny of a misunderstood tradition, is today one of the great artistic traditions. Like all traditions, it will sometimes be rejected and then rediscovered; at times it will no longer be relied upon, at other times its vitality will be recognised. It will be both admired and opposed, but never overlooked. Impressionism is and remains one of the most important phases in the history of modern art." (John Rewald)


The presentation of the eight exhibitions is largely based on the following publications:
John Rewald (History of Impressionism)
Charles Moffett (The New Painting, Impressionism 1874 - 1886, Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, 1986)
Ruth Berson (The New Painting, Impressionism 1874 - 1886, Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, 1996)
Catalogue Raisonnée von Cailllebotte, Cézanne, Pissarro, Monet, Gauguin, Morisot u.a.

Also contributions by Alexandra Matzner: Website: "ARTinWords"
and Website "Impressionism.ne" by Hans Weevers

Further information on the paintings was obtained from the provenance information provided by museums and auction houses.

In the case of some of the works presented here, it is uncertain how they were categorised in the eight exhibitions.


1st exhibition 1874
2nd exhibition 1876
3rd exhibition 1877
4th exhibition 1879


5th exhibition 1880
6th exhibition 1881
7th exhibition 1882
8th exhibition 1886
